vineri, 9 octombrie 2009

Thank God for the Internet

I can’t remember how many times I have zapped throughout the entire range of over 100 channels I receive on my TV, looking for something interesting or funny or simply worth seeing.

I can’t remember one time that I was looking for something over the Internet and did not find.

But I can remember many times that I found out about something that I considered interesting, either on the Internet, or on TV, in the papers, went online and searched more, read more, got satisfied with what I found.

I think the most important benefit that the Internet offers me, apart from changing the communication, finding all the necessary information, entertaining or allowing me to express myself how I want, is the capacity to control what I get from it. It is my choice what link to follow, my choice how much I read on a subject, my choice to ignore what I am not interested in.

I do not have this chance on any other media. On TV I am served a dish that sometimes I find toxic, and if I look away, I can’t get a substitute. I can chose among 100 channels – that is much better than it used to be, but on each moment there are only 100 choices. On my favourite channel I have no choice. I see what the channel decided I should see. They choose the news although sometimes it is not newsworthy for me. They choose what entertainment to give me, although sometimes it is not what I like. I am being served whatever they choose.

If they manage to post on that screen something that I want, they were lucky. It happens, though. That is why I still have a TV set at home. But I always have the Internet on, as well.

The Internet gives me millions of options and each option in millions of forms. I can follow the thread I want, the time I want, as much as I want. I have the power.

Thank God the Internet was invented. Thank the Inventors for giving me this much power.

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